Phew. Let me tell you what, I have been one busy little lady! If you know me, you know that I consider Thursdays and Fridays my "off days" because they are my not-working-at-my-other-job days. In reality, there's nothing "off" about these's my time to focus on photography (editing photos, ordering products, working on branding and marketing, etc).
Well, in the past two days I have:
designed two promo cards
finished designing the Facebook page
created @jbwardphoto on twitter, complete with a personalized design
linked facebook & twitter
sorted through almost 1,000 wedding images
created a RSS feed for facebook from this blogsite
integrated a Pinterest button into my posts and website
did a load of laundry (ok, a personal thing, but still a mighty accomplishment)
So, I charge you:
Facebook friends - become a fan!
Facebook friends - become a fan!
Tweethearts - follow me, @jbwardphoto!
Pinheads - well, um, Pinterest folks - click the Pin It button! You can pin ANY photo on this site!
(and if you can't do any of those things, bless your heart, you don't have any business being on the internet silly!)
It's not a post without a few photos, right? And this one's a double whammy - if you're looking to have some sweet photos done of you and your honey, I'm featuring a $25 off promo card for couples sessions booked before March 15.
{cheers, to the internet!}