It was officially spring; according to the calendar, according to the meteorologists, according to the equinox. However the days leading up to this session were chilly, gray and even sometimes snowy.
But for one early spring afternoon the skies opened up. Birds chirped. Sunshine beamed and flowers opened their buds. I'd like to believe it had something to do with the undeniable warmness of Ryan and Suzanne; but we'll leave that to the experts to decide.
These two are Capitol sweethearts and I loved photographing them at the heart of where their love (and our government) is founded. Gardens in Georgetown and the ivory backdrop of the Capitol building were perfect canvases for their portraits.
Suzanne and Ryan were laid back in a way that made the statement, "It's a beautiful day and we're in love. What else could matter?"
Stripping away the wedding planning chatter, forgetting the to-do lists and simply taking the time to revel in the moment. The beauty in these images isn't from a camera. In my heart I'm not moved by that. What I find beautifully moving about these images is the message:
two people enjoying their love, anticipating their marriage.
This is what engagement sessions are about.
{to what it's all about}

If you follow this blog, you know that many, many of my posts are about love. I believe in love.
Today (3/29) is Good Friday, a day I believe when the greatest expression of love was made.
For you.
You are dearly loved. You are wholly loved. You are perfectly loved by your Creator and I believe he made the greatest sacrifice for you so that you would have the opportunity to know this. I believe our God doesn't just love, that He exists as love. He cannot be separate from it because love is the cornerstone of His existence. And it is the cornerstone of His desire to know you.
Photography is what I do. But this love is the why I do.
The desire of my heart is that no one lives without feeling this love.
{love is the why}
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