Castro Family

Forget stopping to smell the roses. 

After seeing these shots you're going to want to stop and crunch the leaves! 

You may recognize these little faces from last year's fall shoot (or you may not, they've grown so much!) There's something so fun about family shoots. Unavoidably organic - because really, kids will be kids - you get 100% real and I love all 100% of the Castro family! It was fun to catch up with all of them and I enjoyed picking up on how they've grown and changed over the last year. 

Documenting a family is a weighty responsibility. One day, each of these children will be adults potentially with families of their own. They'll want to look back on the times that will have shaped them into the people they'll have become, and family photos are one of our most treasured ways to do that. Being able to know that I've captured a picture of the Castro family history is something that I cherish! When they look back on their family in 2013 I hope they see people who were full of adventure and overflowing with love. At least that's what I see!

{to family history}


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