Whew! It's been a fun few weeks.  As spring progresses, I am beginning to get busier and busier.  It really is a great feeling.  To my clients - past, present and future - thank you so much.  Every purchase we make is a choice, and to me photography is not just a purchase but an investment in preserving your memories.  Words don't do justice to how grateful I am to those who choose to invest in my work. Thank you. 

Alright, mushiness aside! I had a great time with Kelsey, owner of Green Roost, last night for her store shoot. Green Roost is a Culpeper shop that is the best place to find unique, earth friendly products (from bedding to clothing to jewelry to decor - she has it all)!  I can't wait to edit and share more photos from the shoot, but for now here's a sweet sneak peek.  If you know anything about me (or have read my "get to know me" tab) you are already aware that I have a slight obsession with scarves.  Green Roost just happens to have some awesome scarves (made from sustainable bamboo I believe) that are adorable. And striped. And I love them.

In the name of all things green (as this post title implies) I had a fabulous smoothie this morning called the Green Monster.  Looks gross, tastes awesome. One smoothie has TWO cups of spinach (which you don't taste)! Look, ma...I'm eating my vegetables!

Lastly, the husband and I headed down to Macon, Georgia for the beautiful wedding of our friends Eleta and Alex.  Weddings are just so much fun and the best reason for all the people you love to get together in one place. Appropriately enough for this post, the wedding color was (you guessed it), green! Here's two of my best friends (and wedding participants) Carrie & Jessica showing off their green!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! 
{to all things green!}

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The past two weeks have just been full of encouragement.  It is as if it has poured from the skies and I've been drenched in positivity.  

Life has seen a few changes over the last months and I am excited to now have the opportunity to pour my heart into this endeavor and adventure of owning my own business and being a photographer. 

It has been awesome.  It has been terrifying.  Some days I wake up, jump out of bed, do some jumping jacks*, grab my camera, look myself in the mirror and say "I CAN do this!" Then there are some days, when I need the Sunshine Man (you know him, the round, bright, positive fellow from the Jimmy Dean commercials) to come pay my little cloud a visit.  I think it's a struggle we all have when we are pursuing something passionately. Often times it only takes a whisper of fear to derail our day. If you're not careful, that whisper of fear easily becomes a chanting shout - derailing your dreams. 
*not really

Last week in church, Pastor Daniel said something that resonated within me.  Not because it was the first time I had heard it, but because it was what seemed like the millionth time I'd heard God say this to me in just a few weeks. 

"I will not let the whisper of fear be louder than the voice of God and His plan for my life."


Last week I had an absolutely amazing opportunity to participate in an event called TheFIX, hosted by Jasmine Star.  Just like her name suggests, she is a star - to us photographers, she defines celebrity. She is beautiful, abundantly successful, and widely known for her contributions and giving back to the photography community.  The latter is what truly gives her star quality.  

TheFIX was a gathering of 250 photographers from the DC/Maryland/Virginia areas, and while there were many fancy cameras present, the core of Jasmine's presentation wasn't about exposure, shutter speeds, focal length or any of the other technical details photographers love to gather and discuss.  

Jasmine's presentation was about encouragement.  About coming together as a community of artists to make each other better.  About seeing the fear of failure and struggle for what it is; an opportunity for change, growth and success, if you'll allow it. It was about being YOURSELF. With a sea of fantastic photographers out there - and new, talented artists entering the market daily - Jasmine challenged us to believe that we, ourselves individually, are treasures within our businesses.  That this Jazmyn, is unique from everyone else and my talents bring something to the table to be valued by those clients who find me and book me for ME. 

Struggle is the catalyst for change.  Sacrifice is a prerequisite for success. I can define my own success. The fight isn't in finishing; the fight is finishing what you intended to do. 

I walked away with new friends. I walked away pumped. I walked away with greater ability to stick my fingers in my ears and "la la la la la" when fear of failure attempts to sneak in a whisper or two. 

{in the name of positivity}

Proof! Jazmyn + Jasmine! (photo courtesy of http://jasminestarfix.com/#/photos/)

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I am now booking senior portraits for the Class of 2013! 

For more information on pricing and to book your session, please visit the contact page! 

To the Class of 2012 - IT'S NOT TOO LATE! Contact me today for information on a special deal, just for you! 

{to high school memories!}

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What's another season without an update on my lovely model Taylor? 

We had a great time a few weeks ago on an unseasonably warm, spring like day.  I am absolutely in love with the downtown Richmond train depot! Out next spot was a nice, beautifully lit area on the river walk. 

Taylor - thanks so much for always being willing to be in front of the lens (and looking good while you're at it)! Without you, I might not know just how much I love photography.  Thanks for helping me find my strengths! Also, thank you for the dancing.  That's always a plus!

{to friends and photos}

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