Paige & Calvin - D.C. Engagement

It's usually my job to make people laugh. To get the genuine smiles. To make sure everyone is having a great time. 

Paige and Calvin took that responsibility off of my shoulders; from the very moment I picked up my camera, their infectious personalities kept us all laughing until the end. 

It was such a perfect day. Full of sunshine, spring breezes, love and laughter. Paige and Calvin wanted a backdrop that contrasted their city life; something quaint and peaceful. The National Arboretum was just that. Nestled in north east Washington off of New York Avenue, the Arboretum is a pleasantly peaceful surprise inside one of our country's busiest cities. 

Next we headed back to the Capitol Hill area - neighborhoods full of cobblestone sidewalks, fantastic brownstones, restaurants and of course amazing views of the Capitol buildings. 

As much as I love the sights of the District, the best view that day was through my lens. Regardless of the backdrop, my favorite sight is of two people madly in love with each other. 
To me, that's the best view. 

{to the best view}


Suz said...

I LOVE every single one of these!!!!

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