A few weeks ago I was able to make my way down south to Georgia for some quality time with family and friends. I'd been missing "home" and was glad to take a few days making my rounds seeing everyone. It never seems long enough though!
One big (yet tiny) reason for my trip was to see my new friend, Sam. I've been anticipating Sam's arrival since last December. I won't lie - I had pretty high expectations on cuteness, cuddle-bility, and all around baby awesomeness. Sam did not disappoint. In fact, he may or may not have raised the bar. So you future babies out there (mine included)...you better work on your game.
Sam is the son of one of my very best friends, Jessica. I love Virginia, but one thing Virginia just doesn't have is Jessica. I loved all of our time catching up, hanging out with Sam, watching Project Runway and daytime soaps.
Jessica was nice enough to let me whip out my camera and document some of her and Sam's daily life. I don't have any babies, but I have heard from mothers out there that sometimes you catch yourself wondering where those newborn days went. Well Jessica, here's a little keepsake of these special days for you to look back on!
{to best friends with the best babies)
Even his cries are adorable!