You've probably noticed a few changes going on here at! While, it is true, I have been buried in html and css and jquery for the last few days - I'm still working on images too! I can't wait to share the rest of these photos. A cool fall day on grounds at UVA gave us a colorful palette for these engagement photos. Here's a romantic sneak peek to hold you over!
Thanks for bearing with me during the changes to the site. In an effort to leave everything fully functional so that galleries stay open and readers stay up to date, I've opted not to shut down while I work. Think of it like this, every day you get more and more "sneak peeks" of the final product!
Thanks for bearing with me during the changes to the site. In an effort to leave everything fully functional so that galleries stay open and readers stay up to date, I've opted not to shut down while I work. Think of it like this, every day you get more and more "sneak peeks" of the final product!
{to sneak peeks}
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