So excited to have photos featured on the Green Roost blog today! Don't forget to click the link and check it out (and do some window shopping while you're there...if you're like me, you just can't help yourself!)

{to a warm, happy, green ROOST!}

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It's that smile you get when it's quiet and you're not supposed to laugh. The one that isn't just a smile; you know its actually a big, loud, cracking-you-up kind of laugh waiting to boil over into an uncontrollable fit of giggles.

It's the smile I got every time I sat down to work on these photographs.  It's the smile you have when you're in love and it's infectious like the plague.  I might have been a smiling fool behind my computer screen but I don't care one bit.  Hannah and Chris are in love and their laughs and smiles speak volumes of their wonderfully matched personalities. I had such a great time with these two, simply because when you're around them that smile turned fit of laughter is always only a few seconds away.

If you're wondering - I love to travel - and this session took me down to the Raleigh suburb of Cary, North Carolina.  Hannah picked the beautiful Fred G. Bond park and adorable downtown Cary area as the backdrops for the session. We started the session at sunrise and I couldn't have picked a better way to start my day. And I couldn't stop smiling after, either.

{to smiles, giggles, snuggles and love}

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A few weeks ago I posted a sneak peek of Barbara's portrait session at UVA.  Barbara was in need of head shots that captured her personality.  While I had the equipment to capture the shots, she has ALL the personality (as you will see!) I'm excited to share more shots from her session today.

While photographing, I was able to spend time getting to know Barbara more (a wonderful benefit of my job is that I spend time hearing people's stories).  She's done some really neat things in her life, including having a modeling portfolio shot by a photographer in NYC! (No pressure, right?!) If there's one thing I took away from the session, it was a deep respect of Barbara's enthusiasm and joy in life.  JOY is more than being happy; happy is based on momentary enjoyment. Joy is being content, excited about and grateful for life regardless of what it throws your way.  Barbara's got joy and I hope that like her,  I can be ever-joyful too.

Also, I'd love to experience some of the awesome things she's done...except I'd rather be the photographer instead of the model in NYC!

{to having the joy, joy, joy down in your heart}

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Absolutely worth staying up late to post this (it is midnight, way past my bedtime)!

Good night friends and sleep tight. I hope your dreams are full of romance and love.

{to sweet dreams}

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Just a little something pretty & girly for you. I think it might be my new desktop background.

 {sometimes, we just need something pretty}

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More than just girls hanging out. More than staying up late talking about life and love. More than t-shirts with letters on them or cheers and chants.  More than fun times out or slumber parties in. More than colors, symbols or secrets.

Chi Omega means so much more to me than that. Chi Omega is so much more than that. In Chi Omega, I could be myself. More importantly though, Chi Omega taught me to be the BEST self that I could.

The ideals I learned to cherish, the life skills I walked away with, the sisters who started as friends and now feel like blood. These are what makes Chi Omega so much more.

Happy Founder's Day, Sisters!

{love in the Bond}
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I am so thankful for the friends I've grown to know since I've moved to Culpeper.  I have to say, while the first few months living here were nothing short of post-wedding bliss, I did miss my girlfriends quite a bit.  I have been so fortunate to have met Laurel and Erica through my past job.  Although circumstances have taken us down different paths and we no longer work together, we do our best to have lunch once a week.

These are a few shots from our lunch at Arch's (remember my fro-yo love?) last week. While Erica and Laurel offer up great conversation, baby Milla takes care of all of the cuteness.  The "office baby" I've come to lovingly call "Little Munchkin" is sugar-sweet and I am so happy to have seen her grow over the last months.

If her little face doesn't make your heart just melt into a puddle of "ooh's" and "aww's", you might just be the Grinch.

{to sweet babies and sweeter friendships}

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Just a little sneak peek of my shoot with Barbara today.  We found a beautiful little spot on UVA "grounds" (NOT campus, I stand corrected!)

Barbara described herself perfectly - "genuine".   She hit the nail right on the head.  Her smile says it all.

{to being you, to being true, to being genuine}

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