If you've landed on this page because you have www.jbwardphotography.blogspot.com as your bookmark, you may have noticed a little change. . .this page is now www.jbwardphotography.com!  I am excited to be the proud owner of my own little piece of the interwebs.

I have been so very blessed recently to be shooting for more and more clients and I want to offer only the best in services to each and every person I get to photograph. An important part of those services is how people are able to experience and interact with my work. In my "big dreams" category, I hope that jbwardphotography.com will one day be a place where clients not only come to view my work, but also to schedule shoots, review their proofs and purchase professional prints and products.  In the "small steps to big dreams" category we start here, at the blogsite.  

It has been so exciting to make the first moves toward doing what I love and I appreciate every page view (almost 2,000 since this blog was established in August), every comment...all of it.  We all know the saying "humble beginnings" but I hope my humble beginnings won't be just that.  I hope to cling to humility and never forget to say "thank you" to the people who got me to where I am. Because without people to photograph - I'm just a girl with a camera. So, THANK YOU for visiting my website (woo hoo!) I hope you will come back often and if you like what you see, that you'll share the link with a friend.

{happy weekending}
A perfect D.C. Sunday afternoon, a lovely couple newly engaged, deeply in love...could I ask for anything more?  I had a grand time photographing these two. We visited Montrose Park to find a sweet spot Larin and Patrick found the weekend before - beautifully aged stone steps leading up to a wrought iron gate - fabulous find! Next we spent time in the gardens at Dumbarton Oaks.  If you ever find yourself in the District looking for a beautiful way to spend an afternoon, I strongly suggest visiting this locale. Between the terraces, lawns and the appropriately named Lovers' Lane Pool we had no problem finding those perfectly romantic spots to settle in and capture some great photographs.  Finally we headed down to the Potomac as the sun set between the willow trees.

Larin and Patrick -I wish you all the best as you plan your wedding a prepare for marriage together! Your love for each other makes my heart swell and it brings me joy that I got to capture these photos for you.  I can't wait until your wedding day - although, I must not forget the Kleenex...I know I'm going to need it!


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