After a tumultuous week, I am beyond excited to share a few photos from Jenny and Kyle's wedding last weekend.  I can say I thoroughly had a wonderful time photographing their day and I am so excited to get to work on editing all of their photos.  The day itself couldn't have been a better backdrop for their wedding - perfectly blue skies, sixty-five degree weather, abundant sunshine, and friends & family overflowing with love for Jenny and Kyle. 

I can already tell there are going to be so many beautiful photos to share from this day, but I just couldn't keep you waiting any longer!  

{Merry Christmas to all and to all, a good night!}

**don't forget, you can view the photos in a lightbox by clicking on them!**

If you can't see the love in his eyes for her....GET YOURSELF CHECKED OUT! 

Like what you see? Feel free to share your comments or leave some love for Jenny and Kyle below!

Holly and I met through our local Chi Omega Alumnae group when she hosted our Christmas dinner at her lovely home a few weeks ago.  I was thrilled when she contacted me about photographing her kids and family! I love kids.  Many years of babysitting and working in children's ministry have left me missing out on days spent with the littlest of people.  The Stancil kids were a hoot - full of personality and all-around-fun but more importantly, loving and kind.  All of the things I pray my kiddos will be someday.

The best thing about this family session is that it required very little direction on my part.  Every smile you see is love was fabricated in the making of these photos!  I just sat back (or, well, laid on the ground occasionally) and clicked away!

I am thankful for the opportunity to get to photograph the Stancils and hope that they are able to treasure these fun moments for years to come!

{enjoy, friends!}

*don't forget to click this image to view the "lightbox" slideshow!*

I had a blast photographing these kiddos yesterday.  If you need a Monday morning pick-me-up, check out these smiles! Oh to be a kid again!  Thank you, Stancil family, for the opportunity to capture your happy clan!
{happy monday}

Did you know? By clicking on images in each post, you can view them in a "lightbox", at full resolution without the background of the webpage? You can also easily click through the series of images! Try it! It should look like this:

What can you do in a few hours with photoshop, facebook, and countless "googles"? Build a Facebook page! 

If you like what you've seen here I hope you will "LIKE" the page when it goes live on the 'book!

{and to all a good night}
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