10,000 Clicks Strong!

Overwhelmed. Over joyed. Over the moon. 

Today I realized that this site has just surpassed 
10,000 views since I started it last fall. 


My work isn't just "work". My photos aren't just pictures. 
To me, the images I create are artful heirlooms that I want people to cherish, 
to look back on in 50 years and be able to say:
"see, that's how much we loved each other"
to their wide eyed grandchildren. 

I don't have many images of my grandparents or even my parents when they were younger. The images I do have are treasures that I store in my heart, reminding me of the love I come from.

Thank you so, so, so much. To my clients - for choosing to allow me to create those treasures for you. To those who follow this blog, thank you, for choosing to cherish those images too. 

Ten thousand. Ten. Thousand. 
So, cheers - not to me, but to you. And here's to hoping that in another ten thousand views I will be able to create heirloom images & treasures for many, many more families. 

{with humble gratitude to you}

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