Meet the Stancils

You may recognize some of these faces from their family shoot I did about a year and a half ago. I've loved documenting this sweet family and seeing their kids grow (and my have they!) 

One fun part of family photography is getting to know the kids. For their portraits I like to spend time chatting with them; it helps put them at ease in front of the camera and when they're talking about something their excited about, they usually can't help but smile.

This shoot I got to talk about K-4 and show & tell day, an underwater fish town where squids are the police (and there's even a fish McDonalds), favorite sports teams, nail polish colors and more. 

This time around I also got to photograph more of the family - aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents! They were all together and I am so glad they decided to document it. 

There's no better time than now; to spend with family, to celebrate your love and to document who you are. The gift of memories will be cherished for generations to come. 

{to family}


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