Rawlings Family | Portraits

I can't even begin to talk about how much this sweet friend means to me!  Jen surely is a friend I'll have for life. We can make each other laugh (ugly laugh, until we're crying) and cry (ugly cry until we're laughing).  We can chit-chat and we can talk about the deep stuff.  

Jen has an absolutely beautiful family - they are Christ centered, loving, fun, genuine, and simply a joy to be around. If I have daughters some day, I hope they grow up as sweet and smart as these girls.

I loved, loved, loved getting to photograph this family.  Jen told me that after the shoot, when they would drive by the location their family would all talk about how great a day it was. Talk about the memories they made there. This was before I even delivered the images.

That alone validates why I do what I do, and how I do it. I never look at this job as simply taking pictures. I want every person I encounter as a client to feel like their session is for making memories. That at the end of 2 hours they already walk away with images of love burned on their hearts. I simply want to add the tangible illustration to those memories. 

So, thank you Rawlings family. Thank you for letting me illustrate your memories.

-to the illustration but more importantly, the story-


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