Beautiful Places

Today I was able to spend some time talking with two friends who've just returned from a mission trip to Guatemala and I was reminded of how abundantly blessed I am to have the life that I do. On a day when we celebrate our earthly fathers, I was also reminded to thank my Heavenly one. From the roof over my head, to the clean water I drink, to the ability I have to walk into an air conditioned building for worship on Sunday mornings and the safety I have while I am there - there are so many privileges I take for granted that others struggle to or may never enjoy.  

I feel so incredibly blessed to get to do a job that I love. I know that all good things come from our Heavenly Father; He loves us, is for us, and never fails us. He isn't waiting to strike us down but is waiting with open arms to love and accept us just as we are. He wants to prosper us and give us life, abundantly

When I look at the blessings I have in my life that one word comes to mind - abundance. God has been so incredibly good to me and I can't help but feel so grateful.  I find it difficult to pen words that accurately reflect the joy and gratitude I have in my heart. 

I wanted to share a few shots of a few beautiful places I was able to spend time in this weekend doing the job I am so grateful to have. 

{with gratitude}


John Ward said...

"Oh Lord my God
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works
Thy hands have made
I see the stars
I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout
The universe displayed" Jazmyn--you always capture the beauty of God's handiwork and we are proud of you John and Mari

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