First things first - congratulations to this beautiful couple on the birth of their beautiful baby GIRL! 

Bri and Brian chose not to know the gender of their baby before birth; how exciting! As evidenced in these photos - before her arrival they were anxiously awaiting and excited for the best surprise of their lives. They got their surprise just last week and let me tell you, she's a beauty. 

This day earlier this summer wasn't just special because it was their maternity shoot - it was also their sixth wedding anniversary. If that doesn't spell L-O-V-E then I don't know what does! It is my hope that one day their daughter will look at these photos and see just how much joy she brought her parents before she was even born. I hope these images become her treasure and reminder that she is dearly, deeply loved by two amazing people. 

{to joy; little, tiny, precious bundles of it}

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